
本文引用自hereiam9992 - 第一次選對貓罐罐就上手-原料辨別(Canned Cat Food- The Good, the Bad, and the Toxic)






The best foods for your cat. What to look for when choosing a canned food.

我怎麼知道哪個食物是對我的貓最好? 哪些是最健康的貓咪食品?這些是大多數的貓奴會問的問題. 

How do I know which food is best for my cat? Which are the healthiest cat foods? These are common questions most cat owners ask.



You need to know what the names of the ingredients mean, in order to assess what is good and what is not. It is easy to be fooled by a picture of a pretty cat on the can. It makes the food seem so benevolent and innocent, healthy and safe. All this is is clever marketing methods. Visit the website of one of the foods you normally purchase in a grocery store, or maybe the one your vet recommends. These companies have deceitful advertising campaigns and outright lies proclaiming how nutritious their food is. This sickens me, as I recognize the lies. I visited many cat food company websites when researching this article, and found that the more dangerous ingredients in their foods were lied about. Anyone who tells you that a known carcinogen is a safe and necessary ingredient ought to be run out of business. I'll tell you who it was later on. 

所以,你在尋找些什麼? 哪些是最好的原料?

So what do you look for? What are the best ingredients?



The very top notch quality canned cat foods are always grain free. If you do not know about the health dangers of grains, please read my other cat food article, which you can find here on Hub Pages. The Hub is "Commercial Cat Food is Dangerous".



The first ingredient should be a named meat source, such as chicken, turkey or beef, for example. The next several ingredients should also be in that vein, fish or other meat proteins listed by type. Next is usually a starch, such as sweet potatoes, white potatoes, carrots, etc. Then other vegetables are usually listed, followed by a lot of vitamins. Sometimes you see fruits listed, which appear to make a food healthier, but really have no place in a cat's diet. It is not harmful, however.

第二好的貓罐罐是優質原料但是含有穀物.你必須確定這些穀物是完整的,不是像穀粉之類的加工品.另外,玉米及小麥具有高度的致敏性! 許多的優質貓食是不用這些垃圾穀物的,但購買時要注意標籤以確認.再次重申,一定要確定這些標示的肉源.最不想看到的就是那些曖昧的字詞,像是"".這樣的詞可以代表任何一種從生物上取得的肉.如果你不完全明白這樣的危險性,等你看了我的"危險的市售貓食"就會了解了.

The next best type of canned cat foods are premium foods that do have grains. You do need to make sure the grains arewhole grains , and not flours of any sort. Also, corn and wheat are highly allergenic. Most premium foods don't use such garbage grains, but read labels to make sure.Again, make sure the meats sources are named. The last thing you want is some ambiguous term like "meat". That literally can mean any type of flesh from any type of creature. If you don't know exactly what I mean by that, prepare to be repulsed when you read my "Commercial Cat Food is Dangerous" article. 

一定要避免的原料! Ingredients to avoid.


如果你長期的餵食這些食物,這些原料對於你的貓咪是有害的! 不但讓貓咪不健康,而且壽命會變短.

Wow, there are practically too many poor quality ingredients to name, but I will give you some common ones that are in all inferior foods. These ingredients are harmful to your cat if fed over time, and will result in poor health and a shorter life span.


副產品(by-product):例如:肉類副產品(meat by-product),雞肉副產品(chicken by-product)

   The word by-product in any form, such as meat by-product, or chicken by-product.

  This is always very bad news.

小麥麩質(Wheat gluten):2007,Menu Foods公司容許參入小麥麩質到其貓狗食內,受汙染後




   Wheat gluten. This is what was contaminated and killed thousands of pets in 2007,

  when Menu Foods allowed adulterated wheat gluten into its cat and dog foods. 

   It is highly allergenic for cats and can cause irritable bowels, just like it does in humans.

  It is used as a very cheap filler and very poor source of protein.

   It is used to boost the protein content of the food, so that it appears to be healthier than it is.


   Any type of is not good. Wheat, rice, soy or corn flour. All bad.


   Ground rice or brewers rice.

抗氧化劑 (BHA,BHT):已知會造成肝腎功能障礙

   BHA, and BHT are both known to cause liver and kidney dysfunction

乙氧喹啉 (Ethoxyquin):已知的致癌物質.大多數的公司已不再使用,到目前為止,只有一個


   Ethoxyquin, a known carcinogen. Most companies are not using this anymore,

  as far as I can see, but one MAJOR cat food company does. I'll tell you later.

(註一) 2007年美國寵物食品汙染事件: 維基百科



The BEST Canned Foods for your Cat

Merrick's BG (Before Grain): 

非常好的食物,但可能營養不全,因為不含內臟的肉,貓咪需要更多元的肉類來源.它的原料只有蛋白質來源及水-就這樣~! 可以當做最好的補充食品和其它含有蔬菜的優質罐罐一起餵食. 

a SUPERIOR food, but may not be nutritionally complete. Lacking in organ meats. Cats do need a bit more variety. The ingredients are just the protein source, and water. That's it! Best for supplemental feeding, along with other superior canned foods that include some vegetables. 


Innova EVO:


Canned Cat Food- Excellent cat food. One of my top choices for my cats - only one flavor.


Innova EVO 被特殊的設計過,可以提供相當於生食的營養. EVO主要原料為雞肉,火雞肉,骨頭,脂肪,軟骨及結締組織.含有完整,新鮮的水果及蔬菜可以提供促進健康的植物化學物質和微量元素.低熱量,高蛋白及無穀.

Innova EVO has been specially designed to provide all the key nutritional benefits received from the feeding of raw food diets. EVO is based on ground chicken & turkey meat, bones, fat, cartilage and connective tissue. It includes whole, raw fruits and vegetables, which contain health promoting phytochemicals and micronutrients. Low Carb, Hi-Protein and Grain Free. 

原料Ingredients:火雞Turkey, 雞肉Chicken, 火雞湯Turkey Broth, 雞湯Chicken Broth, 雞肉粉Chicken Meal, 鯡魚Herring,紅蘿蔔 Carrots, 全蛋Whole Eggs, 鮭魚粉Salmon Meal, 天然香料Natural Flavors, 瓜爾豆膠Guar Gum, 海帶萃取物Seaweed Extract, 蘋果Apples, 番茄片Tomato Flakes, 乳酪Cottage Cheese, 鯡魚油Herring Oil, 氯化鉀Potassium Chloride, 蘋果纖維Apple Fiber, 菊苣纖維Inulin, 維他命CVitamin C, 海鹽Sea Salt, 氯化膽鹼Choline Chloride, 葵花油Sunflower Oil, β-胡蘿蔔素Beta Carotene, 維他命/礦物質Vitamins/Minerals.


Wellness Cat Food- My number one food for my 11 cats. 



Some of Wellness's foods do have grains. The ones that do not have grains clearly state it on the front of the can.


These are grain free- Chicken, Beef & Chicken, Chicken & Herring, Turkey, Turkey & Salmon, Beef & Salmon.


These have brown rice and are not grain free- Chicken & Lobster, Salmon & Trout, Sardine Shrimp & Crab.

雞肉口味原料Chicken Ingredients: 雞肉Chicken, 雞肝Chicken Liver, 火雞Turkey, 雞湯Chicken Broth, 地瓜Sweet Potatoes, 紅蘿蔔Carrots, 天然雞肉香料Natural Chicken Flavor, 瓜爾豆膠Guar Gum, 卡拉膠Carrageenan, 亞麻籽Flaxseed, 南瓜Squash, 小紅莓Cranberries, 藍莓Blueberries, 西葫蘆Zucchini, 氯化鉀Potassium Chloride, 磷酸氫鈣Dicalcium Phosphate, 碳酸鈣Calcium Carbonate, 牛磺酸Taurine,鐵蛋白鹽 Iron Proteinate (a source of Chelated Iron), β-胡蘿蔔素Beta-Carotene, 鋅蛋白鹽Zinc Proteinate (a source of Chelated Zinc), 維它命EVitamin E Supplement, 氯化膽鹼Choline Chloride, 鈷蛋白鹽Cobalt Proteinate (a source of Chelated Cobalt), 硫胺素Thiamine Mononitrate, 銅蛋白鹽Copper Proteinate (a source of Chelated Copper), 葉酸Folic Acid, 鎂蛋白鹽Manganese Proteinate (a source of Chelated Manganese), 菸酸Niacin, 泛酸鈣Calcium Pantothenate,亞硒酸鈉 Sodium Selenite, 維他命D3Vitamin D-3 Supplement, 鹽酸吡哆醇Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, 核黃素Riboflavin Supplement, 維他命AVitamin A Supplement, 維他命B12Vitamin B-12 Supplement, 碘化鉀Potassium Iodide, 生物素Biotin.


更多好貓食More great foods

Nature's Logic Canned Cat Food -無穀grain free


Available in chicken, rabbit, duck & salmon.


Natures Variety Instinct Cat Food:


Comes in chicken, beef, lamb, rabbit, duck, venison.

羊肉口味原料Lamb Formula Ingredients: 羊肉Lamb, 羊肝Lamb Liver,羊肉湯 Lamb Broth, 亞麻籽Flaxseed, 雞蛋Eggs, 磷酸三鈣Tricalcium Phosphate, 豌豆Peas, 紅蘿蔔Carrots, 卵磷脂Lecithin, 氯化鉀Potassium Chloride, 維他命Vitamins (Choline Chloride, L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate, Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Vitamin A Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Biotin, Riboflavin Supplement, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid), 乾燥海帶Dried Kelp, Salt, 牛磺酸Taurine, 礦物質Minerals (Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Manganese Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Sodium Selenite, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide), 朝鮮薊Artichokes, 小紅莓Cranberries, 南瓜Pumpkin, 番茄Tomato, 藍莓Blueberries, 青花菜Broccoli, 甘藍Cabbage, 羽衣甘藍Kale, 香菜Parsley.

:現在的NV羊肉配方已有更改: 改動:磨碎亞麻籽 Ground Flaxseeds, 新增:蒙脱石粘土Montmorillonite Clay, 

Merrick Cat Food-


Some flavors contain brown rice, others do not. Read the labels. This food is particularly yummy, and smells good to humans. No kidding!

口味Available flavors: California roll, Cowboy cookout, Grammies pot pie, New England boil, Southern delight, Surf & Turf, Thanksgiving day dinner, Turducken and Ocean breeze.


Weruva cat food(台灣名:唯美味)


This food really looks edible for the human pallet. Some do have white rice and corn flour- not desirable for regular feeding, but a nice treat food. 



Halo Spot's Stew for Cats

無穀,但是蔬菜含量太高.不過看起來不錯! no grains, but a little vegetable heavy. Looks good though!


更多健康的貓罐罐 More healthy canned cat foods

Innova EVO 95% Meat Canned Cat Food 

口味- 牛肉Beef, 雞肉+火雞chicken & turkey, 鴨肉duck and 鹿肉venison. 無穀No grains

原料Ingredients: 牛肉Beef, 牛肉湯Beef Broth, 磷酸三鈣Tricalcium Phosphate, 天然香料Natural Flavors, , 卡拉膠Carrageenan, 礦物質Minearls, 氯化鉀Potassium Chloride, 瓜爾豆膠Guar Gum, 維他命Vitamins, 氯化膽鹼Choline Chloride, 鯡魚油Herring Oil, Salt, 抗壞血酸鈉Sodium Ascorbate, 葵花油Sunflower Oil, 牛磺酸Taurine, 磷酸鈉Sodium Phosphate, β-胡蘿蔔素 Beta Carotene


Evanger's Canned Cat Food

原料基本上不錯,但是海鮮口味含有磨碎玉米跟米粉-糟糕!!! 我很驚訝這個公司竟然會將這些垃圾穀物添加在貓食裡.

- Basically good ingredients, but the seafood flavor has ground corn and rice flour- HORRIBLE! I am shocked that this company would add these garbage grains to any of its foods.


AvoDerm Natural Select Cuts Canned Cat Food


- This food looks excellent. They don't list avocados on the ingredients list, but this is something that is supposed to be in it. Why aren't they listed?


最後And last but not least:

ZiwiPeak Daily Cat Cuisine Canned Food (台灣名:顛峰)

新的貓罐罐,無穀! 有一些不常見而有趣的原料.有多種口味.

- a new canned cat food. Grain Free! Odd and interesting ingredients. Comes in several flavors.



Healthier canned foods with grains



There are dozens of other high quality canned cat foods, but they do contain grains. If you have read my article on the dangers of commercial cat food, you will have read of the problems with feeding grains to cats. Whole grains are always preferable to grain flours. Corn and wheat are common allergens and should be avoided at all costs. Whole brown rice, and barley are better choices as far as grains go.



Here are some other better quality cat foods that do contain grains:


Natural Balance Ultra Premium Canned Cat Food


They use brown rice flour, which is not a good choice, but the rest of the ingredients look great.


Tiki Cat Premium Wild Caught Canned Cat Food

魚類含量太高.所有口味都是魚.而且許多含有米,有些沒有. 可以非經常性的餵食.嗜魚成性的貓咪可能會有脂肪肝或脂肪組織炎(一種因為缺少維它命E而造成的脂肪組織發炎)

Way too fish heavy. All flavors are fish. Many have rice. Some do not. Good for occasional feeding. One of the most prevailing diseases afflicting "fish junkies" is Steatosis or Yellow Fat Disease, an inflammation of the fat tissue in the body due to a deficiency of vitamin E.


Newman's Own Organics Canned Cat Food

所有口味均有白米及燕麥麩,穀類含量太高.以前他們曾經在貓食添加大豆,但那是貓乾乾. 大豆對於貓咪是非常有害的,因為它會抑制甲狀腺.我個人不會選擇這樣的貓食.

With both rice and oat bran in all flavors, this is a little grain heavy. At one point in the past they used SOY in their foods, but it may have been the dry cat food. Soy is very harmful to cats, as it suppresses the thyroid gland. I personally would NOT choose this food.


California Natural Canned Cat Food


Pretty good, minimal ingredients, does have rice and fish. Do not feed everyday.




More canned foods with grains- better quality

Innova Canned Cat Food- 

磨碎白米? ..除了這個,是個不錯的食物

Ground white rice? Ugh. Other than that, swell food.



Castor & Pollux Canned Organix Feline Formula –有糙米 Has brown rice in it.


Pinnacle Holistic Canned Cat Food – 有燕麥麩跟,都是穀物has oat bran and quinoa, both grains.


Felidae Cat & Kitten Formula Canned Food – 含有糙米及苜蓿草粉has brown rice and alfalfa meal.


Castor & Pollux Ultramix Feline Canned Formula – 含有釀酒用米粉-不好的東西has brewers rice flour- this is bad stuff.


Mulligan Stew Canned Cat Food- 直到現在我才知道這個牌子,他有一些非常奇怪的原料!我不相信貓咪會去吃.像是芥末(!!!)跟甘藍.這是她們對於這些奇怪原料的解釋:十字花科的蔬菜(甘藍跟芥末)含有高含量的穀胱甘肽過氧化酶,這個強大的酵素可以排除體內的自由基.這些植物也能提供纖維以幫助維持健康的消化系統.而且,含有糙米.

I never heard of this one until now. It has some freaky weird ingredients that I cannot believe cats would eat, such as horseradish (!!!) and cabbage. This is how they explain these oddities: Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and horseradish, contain high amounts of glutathione peroxidase, powerful enzymes that play significant roles in scavenging the body for free radicals. These vegetables also provide the fiber required for a healthy digestive system. Also contains brown rice.


Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul (台灣名:雞湯) –



This food is so grain heavy, I would not recommend it at all. It has brown rice, white rice, barley, oatmeal and powdered cellulose (which usually means peanut shells or something else equally bad). This food is barely better than grocery store brands in respect to quantity of grains. Avoid this one.



Solid Gold Poultry and Fish canned cat food- 含有兩種穀物,但是排在一長串的肉類來源後面,不會太糟! two grains, but far back after a long list of meat sources. Not too bad!


Evolve- 有糙米,我曾經常常餵食這個品牌,直到我實行100% 無穀. has brown rice. I used to feed this to my cats before I went 100% grain free.


Eagle Pack(台灣名:鷹格)- 有燕麥has oats


Blue Buffalo Spa Select (台灣名:布魯斯)- 有糙米及大麥 (:Blue Buffalo曾在2007年被指為有毒寵物食品) has brown rice and barley (NOTE* Blue Buffalo was one of the tainted cat foods in the mass poisonings of pet food in 2007)



Nutro(台灣名:美士)- 有米麩跟米麵筋,我會避免所有含有麵筋的食物. Has rice bran and rice gluten. I would avoid glutens of any kind.


Drs. Foster and Smith Canned Cat Food-含有糙米contains brown rice



Canned Cat Food DECEPTIONS!


Harmful ingredients passed off as healthy.


The manufacturers of these foods lie about them being premium. They are complete crap.

想知道真正的原因為什麼獸醫建議 Iams(台灣名:愛慕思), Science Diet (Hill’s)Eukanuba

Want to know the REAL reason vets recommend Iams, Science Diet and Eukanuba? The manufacturers of these foods supply veterinary colleges with study aids, reading material and make grants to the schools so that the future doctors will recommend and push their poisons onto an unsuspecting public. They dupe the doctors and the doctors dupe you.


Max Cat- 這是一個非常糟糕的貓食.這些是他們標出的一些主要成分:雞粉,磨碎米,玉米麵筋, 小麥粉,米粉,家禽脂肪(和維他命E一起保存),磨碎小麥. 完全的垃圾! 這個不會比喜躍(Friskies)或其他超市品牌還好.

This is awful cat food. Here are the first few ingredients: Chicken Meal, Ground Rice, Corn Gluten Meal, Wheat Flour, Rice Flour, Poultry Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Ground Whole Wheat. ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. This is no better than Friskies or any other store brand.


Hill's Science Diet (台灣名:希爾思)-這個食品完全不適合貓咪食用.第一原料是”,然後是肉類副產品.記得,如果他不寫出明確的肉源,你可能餵的是安樂死的寵物屍體 (貓跟狗).請讀我的危險的市售貓食以了解這些實際上是什麼.

 This food is a gross violation of what a cat should eat. The first ingredient is WATER, followed by meat by products. Remember, if it doesn't name the animal the meat came from, you may be serving the remains of euthanized house pets. (cats and dogs) Please read my other article on COMMERCIAL CAT FOOD to learn the alarming source of "meat" in foods like this.


Water, Liver, Meat by-products, Chicken, Ground Whole Grain Corn, Wheat Flour, Corn Starch, Powdered Cellulose, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols and citric acid), Chicken Liver Flavor, Rice Flour.


IAMS(台灣名:愛慕思)-有毒的垃圾. 2007年傷害了數以千計的貓咪.以下是他所列出的幾樣第一原料:雞湯,雞肉,雞肝,雞肉副產品,小麥麵筋,肉類副食品.

Toxic garbage that killed thousands of cats in the 2007 cat food poisonings by Menu Foods. Here are the first several ingredients- Chicken Broth, Chicken, Chicken Liver, Chicken By-Products, Wheat gluten, Meat By-Products.




In my opionion, and that of any educated consumer, this is TOXIC CAT FOOD- It uses the very carcinogenic preservative Ethoxyquin. Then, on their website, they try to say it is safe, when it has been PROVEN to cause cancer! STOP FEEDING THIS FOOD Immediately!

Some of the ingredients: Chicken By-Product Meal, Corn Meal, Corn Grits, Chicken, Fish Meal, and of course Ethoxyquin.



Grocery store JUNK. The cheap crap.

從小到大我們可能都餵過這些超市品牌: 喜躍(Friskies), Nine-Lives, 珍喜皇饌(Fancy Feast),和偉嘉(Whiskas). 不幸的是,這些常見的罐罐含有最不好的營養.

Now for the grocery store brands we all grew up feeding; Friskies, Nine-Lives, Fancy Feast, and Whiskas. Sadly, these familiar and comforting cans of cat food are bottom of the barrel in nutrition.



first couple ingredients: Water sufficient for processing, beef, liver, wheat gluten, meat by-products, turkey, corn starch-modified, soy flour, artificial and natural flavors.


Oh God, there is that wheat gluten again. No wonder so many cats get IBS!


I am not even going to bother listing Nine-Lives, Whiskas and Fancy Feast. They are on the same sub-par level as Friskies.


Summery of the Good, the Bad and the Toxic


So now you have a very good idea of what canned foods are best for your cat. I hope you will make the appropriate choices to ensure your cat a long and healthy life.


Here is a summary of my findings:




Innova EVO


Merrick BG ( Before Grain)

Natures Variety Instinct

Natures Logic

Innova 95% Meat

Weruva (唯美味)

Halo Spot's Stew





有穀優質罐罐BETTER FOODS with grain:

Natural Balance

Tiki Cat

California Natural


Castor & Pollux



Mulligan's Stew

Solid Gold


Eagle Pack(鷹格)

Blue Buffalo (Blue Spa Select)布魯斯SPA系列

Dr's. Foster and Smith


不是很好Not as good:

Newman's Own (although I really don't recommend this one)

Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul (雞湯) (I don't recommend)

Nutro(美士) (I don't recommend)


非常糟糕Very bad:

Hills Science Diet(希爾思)



Max Cat




Fancy Feast(珍喜皇饌)

ANY Store brand


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